The Good Samaritan Museum


The photo at the top of the page is attributed to the photographer- אורי


The Good Samaritan Museum:
The museum is housed in the preserved ancient monastery building and is dedicated to a collection of artifacts that tell the history of the religions in the region – Judaism, Christianity and the Samaritans.

In the museum there is an entire room dedicated to documenting the story of the Samaritan community and its customs.

In addition, the museum can find artifacts from the nearby Martyrius Monastery and churches in the area.

In the courtyard there are other exhibits – cisterns, Samaritan sarcophagi (coffins), decorated marble capitals and much more.

But the most fascinating finds in the museum are the impressive collection of mosaics found in its open area and brought there from different places in Israel

Gaza Mosaic – The mosaic floor at the entrance to the site was discovered in the sixties of the last century in a Jewish synagogue that was uncovered in Gaza and brought to the place a demand for precise, complex and delicate work.

In addition to it, there are mosaics from Deir Kala’a, from the ruins of Pools, from Meshom, from Maneran, from Samaritan synagogues, from churches in ancient Shiloh and from many other sites.

All the mosaics in the place were created during the Byzantine period, when the mosaic craft flourished in Israel.
