Cellulite and dead sea
Cellulite. Wow. How frustrating can that be?
Cellulite is formed due to accumulation of fat cells under the skin, which gives the skin a corrugated or puckered look.
The Cellulite occurs in nearly 90 percent of women, usually in the buttocks and thighs.
Men are also prone to cellulite as they age.

Cellulite and dead sea
It is important to note that cellulite is generally perceived as a problem of appearance and aesthetics, rather than as a medical problem.
However, the formation of cellulite is in fact usually attributed to inadequate metabolic rate.
the accumulation of extra fats and fluids that the body fails to eliminate.
So, let’s go back to the Dead Sea.
The mud, as noted in previous posts, absorbs fluids in the upper layer of skin. The concentration of minerals and salts cleans the skin and increases its metabolic rate.
The result in most cases: smooth, beautiful skin.
For more information about dead sea, follow our blog: dead sea blog
To the official web of the government company of the Dead Sea next link: https://www.haganot.co.il