Tanning Tips
Sunbathing in the Dead Sea? Don’t take any risks!
Everyone knows the sun has lots of benefits.
It’s a natural source of Vitamin D, helps relieve cold symptoms, and of course – how can we forget – the sun can give you a perfect Mediterranean tan!
But tanning itself comes with many dangers because too much exposure to the sun’s rays can harm us to the point of being life-threatening.
So how do you take advantage of the benefits of the sun’s rays without being exposed to the dangers?
Here are some tips for tanning:
The hours when the sun’s rays are least dangerous while tanning are before 10:00 AM and after 4:00 PM. During all the hours in between the sun’s radiation is particularly intense. Yes, we know it doesn’t leave a lot of time to tan, but ask yourself what your priorities are…
Sunscreen is not for beauty, it is for protection!!! So it’s important to remember to apply sunscreen before exposing yourself to the sun. Preferably about half an hour before exposure, so that it can absorb well into your skin.
Don’t forget to choose a broad spectrum sunscreen and of course make sure it hasn’t expired. Sometimes it seems to us that last year’s cream is totally fine, but it’s not….
Don’t forget the important places!!! Applying sunscreen to your back and shoulders is obvious. But what about your nose? Your ears? And all the other places on the body where our skin is exposed to radiation and not protected? Yes, the ears too! You don’t want them to get burnt. It’s not pleasant!

Tanning at the Dead Sea
Sunscreen not really water resistant!!! That means if you take a dip in the water to cool down a bit, it’s time to renew the protection and apply another layer.
True, it will take a few more minutes away from your precious tanning time, but is it really worth the risk to skip the sunscreen?
Perfume causes tan stains!!! Obviously smelling good is crucial, at any time, any hour. But if you sunbathe after you spray yourself with perfume, you will get spotted… And we don’t think it’s the look you want, so give up the perfume when you are sun bathing…
And having said all that, there is one more important fact to know!!! Even in the shade the sun’s rays may be quite active. So on the one hand – you can enjoy sitting in the shade and still get a nice tan. On the other hand, without enough much protection you will burn, and that is not enjoyable at all.
And don’t forget:
the sun dehydrates the body, especially in the Dead Sea area where the weather is particularly dry!
Take plenty of water with you, and drink all the time, even if you don’t feel thirsty!
That’s all for tanning tips, with the main goal being a nice – and healthy – tan.
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